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Souls Path Yoga with Vicky


What is Yoga?


The practice of yoga dates back thousands of years to the Indian Subcontinent, though there are some forms practised in Tibet. Though the Tibetan yogi's have a very different approach.

The modern practice of yoga that came to the west was mainly based around an eight limbed system from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. This is a list of suggestions on how to live the most healthy way possible.

The 8 Limbs-

Yamas - moral guidelines

Niyamas - ethical codes

Asana - physical practice

Paranayama - breath and energy control

Pratayama - sense withdraw

Dharana - developing concentration

Dhyana - meditation

Samadhi - awakened consciousness


Most people come to yoga through physical practice (asana). In simple terms yoga is a work in rather than a work out. Though not being explosive like some other forms of movement practice it can generate heat, raise stamina, physical strength and flexibility. Being supple can lower the risk of injury in sport and life in general.


Ultimately yoga is a journey of self enquiry. It may bring up questions and emotions along the way, it may also answer those questions in time. So a practice that can improve physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

Yoga is an ever expanding practice that is constantly changing along with the modern world.



"You can take the easy way out, or you can take the hard way in."

                          Phil Good

About Vicky


I teach yoga at a number of locations in Yatton, Clevedon, Weston-super-Mare and surrounding areas of North Somerset.


The practice of yoga has been in my life since the year 2002. It was for me the same as most people who practice yoga, something I did once a week. It was something that made me happy. In fact it was one of the few things that actually made me feel happy. In the year 2006 I began practicing a martial art called Bushido. I have to say this was the making of me helping me to develop both physical and mental confidence.


In 2015 I found the practice of Ashtanga Yoga. Again this was a huge milestone for me, as I got into the practice I felt like I was being reminded of something I had forgotten rather than learning something new. It pulled me deeper into the world of movement practice which I now try to do daily. Also I found exploring other types of yoga such as Vinyasa, Rocket and Yin have only fuelled the passion I have for the process of self enquiry.


The teaching came about at a point in my life where something needed to change. I had worked in a field of work for about 20 years that just didn't suit me, always feeling like a square peg being pushed into a round hole. I knew that if I didn't do something pretty soon I was heading for a crash. 

I was approached after a class by a teacher who I have a huge amount of respect for - they said I should consider teaching. This planted the seed in me and about a year later I took the brave and terrifying step and gave up my job to train to become a yoga teacher. I qualified with Yoga Like Water in November 2019. So here I am today sharing the thing that makes me truly happy with others in the hope it will make them feel happy too.


 The question I ask myself and the universe every day is; "How can I best serve?"


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